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Over half of people surveyed own pets, according to TGM Research

A remarkable 59% of pet owners consider their animal companions as integral family members.

Consumer Attitudes Behavior

In a world valuing connection, the enduring bond between humans and pets radiates unwavering loyalty and unconditional love, fostering companionship, joy, and the development of vital moral values. People wholeheartedly invest their love and devotion in every aspect of their pets' lives, ensuring their well-being and happiness are prioritized and protected.
Dogs and Cats Claim the Title of Most Beloved Furry Companions
Most People Adore Pets, but Their Hearts Belong to a Chosen Few!
Veterinarians Stand as the Ultimate Choice for Preferred Pet Services

Dogs and Cats Claim the Title of Most Beloved Furry Companions

Across 40 countries surveyed, there is a prominent inclination towards nurturing dogs and cats, and numerous individuals warmly embrace the idea of having many pets as cherished companions. The TGM Global Pet Care Survey 2023 reveals that 58% of people across the globe share their lives with at least one pet. Specifically, 59% of people surveyed have dogs being alongside, with cats not far behind at 53%.
Owning a dog means having a lively and devoted companion who craves human interaction and shows unwavering loyalty. Conversely, owning a cat means having an independent and self-sufficient companion known for its grace, mysterious nature, and selective affection. The unique traits of dogs and cats inspire deep and radiant love in people's hearts, fostering an enduring devotion to these two types of furry companions.

Most People Adore Pets, but Their Hearts Belong to a Chosen Few!

While most people worldwide share a deep and unique love for pets, there are variations in their preferences when choosing which type of pet to care for and nurture. According to the survey results, most respondents expressed a preference for specific pets. Notably, Africa stood out as the region where this trend was most prominent, with 60% of pet owners in the region favoring specific pets exclusively.
In contrast, North America presented a different picture, where half of the pet owners, particularly those aged 18-24, demonstrated an all-encompassing affection for pets of all kinds. Latin America presents a unique scenario wherein solely pet owners aged 18-24 years old show a preference for pets of all types, while older age groups lean towards specific pet types.

Veterinarians Stand as the Ultimate Choice for Preferred Pet Services

In pet care services, the TGM Global Pet Care Survey 2023 showed that veterinarians are immensely popular among pet owners across a diverse age range of 18 to 64. With their expertise in animal health, unwavering commitment, and exceptional care, veterinarians are trusted professionals for all aspects of pet care, from routine check-ups to emergencies and specialized treatments, ensuring that beloved furry friends receive the finest care and attention.
While regions generally prioritize veterinarians as the top choice for pet care services, followed by groomers and training services, Africa exhibits an exceptional trend. Specifically, there is a notable difference in the second preferred pet care service. Elder pet owners aged 45 to 64 prioritize groomers over training services and behaviorists, whereas the younger group of pet owners demonstrates a reversed preference.

As the leading online data collection agency, TGM Research conducted multiple market research projects across the regions. To learn more about other recent projects we did in your desired country and our expertise, please contact us.

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